Naked walk near ramsgate

Many thanks to Peter for sending details of this walk to me.

A great beach for walking naked is Sandwich Bay near Ramsgate. (It will cost about £6 for a car ticket on the private road. Consider that as your parking fee for the day)

Drive through the town of Sandwich and head for the Bay. Follow signs or ask a local the way. You pass a toll booth and usually have to buy a ticket to continue. Follow signs to the beach and turn left when you reach the sea front. Drive on until you reach the gate of the Princes Golf Club, at that point turn right onto the grass and park. Walk over the top of the beach and (at low tide) onto the sand. Head to the left (north) and get your kit off whenever you feel comfortable ( I usually go about 200metres). The further you go the less dog walkers etc, but they are not really troublesome.

The walk is about 2 miles until you reach the river mouth and can go no further. There is a bird sanctuary near the river, so stay well away from the grassy area when you see the signs.

At very low tides you may find quick sands, so don’ go too far out at low water. Don’t stay too long in the bird area but find a spot about half way between the car park and the bird reserve signs for your picnic. I’ve spent many a long day with wife and friends on the beach here, but beware of cool east winds in the early summer. In over 50 years or nude sun bathing on this beach, I have never had any adverse comments from passers-by or other beach users.

Looks like a great spot Peter – we will have to try to make an effort this summer to get to the south east and check this beach out!