First naked walk of the year!

The sun was out and it was just (just) warm enough to get out with no clothes on today!

I was on my own, both Andi and Marian were working so I went local. I parked and headed over Swanbridge Bay where I got naked and stashed my clothes at the eastern end of the beach in the rocks. It was a bit cool in the shade, so I headed off around the rocky foresore towards St Marys Well Bay. As usual, I was totally naked, apart from my shoes, hat and sunglasses, and I left all of my clothes at the stash. We love to be totally committed to our naked walks!

The tide was quite high, but on the way out so I scrambled around towards the next bay to the east (St marys Well Bay), as I passed the big rock called Bull Rock I could see a couple of people sitting up on the top of the rocks in the trees looking down to me. I gave them a wave and continued to walk round east into the bay. The beach below the caravans was totally emply, and I walked around at the high tide mark and then round the headland to the amazing wave cut beach that leads to Lavernock Point – amazingly this was also totally empty and i enjoyed the solitude as I walked.

I walked around Lavernock point, again amazed that no one was there either, and headed along the beach towards Penarth. I could see a dog walker ahead of me, and I slowly closed the distance between us, almost catching up as we got to the end of the seawall at the penarth end of the beach. I sat for a few minutes at the end of the seawall watching a couple of other dog walkers having a bit of fun on the beach about 20m away. It was great to be totally naked, about 45-50mins walk away from my clothes and fully committed. I set off back towards lavernock point before I got cold. The beach was still empty apart from one walker coming towards me about halfway back to Lavernock. I passed the single (male) walker at about 5m distance, he avoided eye contact, but looked like he had a smirk on his face!

As I approached Lavernock Point I passed a couple sitting on a big driftwood log about halfway up the beach. They had a good long look, so I smiled and gave them a wave and kept walking. As I rounded the point, a female dog walker with 3-4 dogs walked up the beach straight towards me. She had seen me approaching and perhaps timed her walk up so that we met? I dont know. Anyway, we met and I stopped to say hello. She gave me a breezy “good morning” and we chatted for a minute about what a great day it was. She had a good look at me as I started to get a bit of a rise which felt great. I set of again and walked round the point, and back along towards St Marys Well Bay. Again the beach was empty – utterly amazing on such a great sunny day.

As I rounded the corner to the bay, there was a couple pottering about on the beach, so I just walked past them about 2m away and back round towards Swanbridge. The beach at Swanbridge had a few people messing about, and I grabbed my clothes and got dressed and headed home. A fantastic (if a bit chilly) first naked walk, and hopefully the first of many 🙂